Memories from my Wildlife Warrior Volunteer Experience

The 5 days spent volunteering at the Wildlife Hospital are filled with many beautiful memories. The list could be endless. At this stage I want to share with you some of the highlights of my Wildlife Warrior experience. Cleaning the enclosures of sick and injured koalas. Every day each single enclosure is cleaned  from top to bottom thoroughly. A daily routine work wich included scrubbing and washing the floor and the brunches from the dirt, as well as filling the pots with fresh water, leafing in and out, etc.
Feeding Koalas was, among other things, the most exciting experience. You need to learn some basic skill of how to do it properly but it is not difficult at all. However feeding koalas is not as eay as it may sound, koalas, like human beings, have their own character, moods and approach, some koalas are keen on their daily paste, some others simply hate it. So as a novice warrior I only had to feed the “good ones” and I had the honour of feeding the koala patient Warren for a few days, as you can see from the pictures below, I really enjoyed it and Warrend did it too
 (to be continued)