Papua Highlands 7 Old Men With Kotekas

So I headed  off to the viewpoint, down the mucky reeds in the village and up the side of the hill. I found the viewpoint and he was right, best view of the valley I got on the trip. I took my photos, and then so another potential viewpoint ahead. I was rather enjoying going at my own quick pace so I walked along for some distance, by a couple of the old men with kotekas (and while it did cover their member, that's all it covered). One such man was working his field and a few were just walking along the path. Only old men do it, so it is a traditional dying out. Within 10 years I suspect it will be nothing but a memory. 
I managed to get out to the 'viewpoint' but most of the view was blocked by one hill or another. You could see snippets of the river down below but not much. Nonetheless I enjoyed just doing something that didn't take an excessive time. (granted it did take about 1.5 hours).
I got back to the Kuring village and sat there eating lunch and taking a chunk out of my water. I bought a decorated koteka (I was assured it was unused) from a local man as well as a bamboo knife.
Ralf Kreuze
(to be continued) 

Papua Highlands 6 He Was Also A Dwarf

In the morning, Penius cooked fried rice and shortly after we took off. This time it was much more slippery from the rain. The soil here is largely clay with a thin topsoil that is easily washed away if exposed (aka a trail). We clambered up the path to the main trail and then we were on our way. Penius forgot the eggs so he headed back while I walked ahead. I got out to a nice viewpoint with a breeze while I waited as locals passed me by as they headed to and fro. 
One person was a bit of a strange sight. It was a old man who was naked except for his koteka (think penis sheath), except he was also a dwarf. By this time, Penius caught up and we walked along. Eventually we came to a village called Kuring (I think). Penius told me there was a beautiful view up ahead but that our destination was to go down to the river.
Ralf Kreuze
(to be continued)